Maharashtra FYJC online classes 2020: 2.18 lakh students attend on day one - education

The state education department will begin streaming specific lectures online for students of First Year Junior College (FYJC) from November 5.

On Monday, the department began online classes for FYJC students after a delay in starting classes owing to the interim stay on the Maratha quota in jobs and education.

On the first day of the online session, nearly 2.18 lakh students attended the classes held by the department on YouTube.

“In the first few days, classes will be held for subjects common to all streams including languages. Stream specific classes will begin on November 5. Until Monday, 1.20 lakh students had registered for the classes,” said an official from the education department.

State education minister Varsha Gaikwad said, “Online lectures have started so that there is no further delay in doing so. A decision with respect to restarting the admissions will be announced shortly by the chief minister.”

Students who wish to join the online classes can register themselves on the department’s portal- and will then get details about the time table and the schedule for classes on their email.

All of these classes will also be made available on Youtube live, stated the education department.

Teachers said the first few classes will be like introductory sessions for students. “It has been seven months since students are at home and thus the teaching process needs to begin carefully to ensure that students grasp what they learn,” said a teacher who conducted an online class.

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