After the Central government released guidelines for Unlock 5.0, Uttarakhand government on Thursday said that schools will be opened in the state only after consultation with parents and school management.
Arvind Pandey, state education minister held a meeting in this regard with senior officials at the state secretariat on Thursday.
“Any decision regarding opening of the schools will be taken after consultation with all concerned parties including the management of the schools. All the district magistrates are being instructed to send feedback related to their districts to the government in a week, after which any decision will be taken,” said Pandey.
The district magistrates have been asked to give feedback based on the status of Covid-19 in their districts, what the management committees and parents of students say there. After the feedback received from the districts, a decision will be taken by the cabinet in consultation with the health department. The state cabinet is scheduled to meet on October 14 next.
“If the opinion is formed regarding opening of schools, then it will be proposed to open schools in three phases. In the first phase, classes 9 to 12 will be included, classes 6 to 12 in the second phase and all other classes in the third phase. All the protocols required for Covid-19 will be followed in all schools. The safety of children is paramount. No child will be compelled to come to school without parental permission,” said Pandey.