Maharashtra higher and technical education minister Uday Samant on Friday said the state government respects the Supreme Court verdict in the UGC matter and will decide about holding examinations after consultations with vice-chancellors of universities.
Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court said that states and universities cannot promote students without holding final year exams by September 30.
Upholding the University Grants Commission decision to hold final year exams, a bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said if any state feels they can’t conduct exams by that date amid the coronavirus pandemic, they must approach the UGC for new dates to hold the exam.
Speaking to reporters here, Samant said, The state government respects the verdict of the Supreme Court. I will discuss the issue with vice-chancellors of universities and take further decision.” We will study the verdict in detail and then take appropriate actions, he said.
The SC has relaxed UGC guidelines of conducting all exams before September 30. We will discuss the issue with Disaster Management Committee, he said.
Samant said health of students remains top priority in view of the pandemic.
“We need to give priority to students’ health as well.
In the current situation, students should not catch any infection if exams are conducted, he said.
The Yuva Sena, the youth wing of the Shiv Sena - which heads the government in Maharashtra - is one of the petitioners in the SC and has questioned the UGC’s directive to hold examinations amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The UGC had earlier said the July 6 guidelines are based on recommendations of experts and have been made after due deliberation and it is wrong to claim that it will not be possible to conduct the final examinations in terms of the guidelines.