Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address has begun for the Smart India Hackathon grand finale. PM Modi is interacting with the finalists of the hackathon through video conferencing. The hackathon is being organised by the HRD ministry’s All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Persistent Systems and i4c. The Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2020 (Software) will be held from August 1 to 3. The hackathon is a nationwide initiative to provide students with a platform to solve some of the pressing problems people face in daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem-solving.
04:54 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: Reusable Sanitary Napkin
A student is working towards reusable and bio-degradable sanitary napkin. PM Modi said, “Government is providing a sanitary pad at Rs 1 each. With the introduction of reusable sanitary napkin will be of great help to the girls. I congratulate you for being so thoughtful.”
04:45 pm IST
A finalist has planned to prepare rainfall prediction system
WIth the help of satellite, a rainfall prediction model will be prepared, said a finalist. PM Modi appreciated the step and said that it will be of great help to the farmers.
04:42 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: It was challenging to conduct the hackathon amid Covid
It was challenging to conduct the Hackathon in the times of Coronavirus. It is amazing to see it happening despite challenges
04:41 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: PM’s address begins
Prime Minister’s address begins at Smart India Hackathon finale
04:38 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: Winner to get Rs 1 lakh cash prize, says HRD Min
Union HRD Minister Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank announced that the winner will get Rs 1 lakh cash prize.
04:34 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: HRD Minister begins his address
Union HRD Minister Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has started his address through video conferencing. PM Modi has also joined.
04:34 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: Video conferencing begins
The video conferencing to launch Smart India Hackathon has begun.
04:31 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon 2020: Over 4.5 lakh participated this year
In the fourth edition of Smart India Hackathon this year, around 4.5 lakh students have participated.
04:29 pm IST
Smart India Hacakthon: 2nd and 3rd winners to get prize money
While the first winner will get a prize money of Rs 1 lakh, the second and third winners will get Rs 75,000 and Rs 50,000, respectively.
04:25 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon : Winners to get Rs 1 lakh
The winner of Smart India Hackathon will get a prize money of Rs 1 lakh .
04:22 pm IST
Smart India Hackathon: Around 10K students in finale
This year, around 10,000 students have reached the grand finale round in the Smart India Hackathon.
04:14 pm IST
PM Narendra Modi to address grand finale of Smart India Hackathon
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will soon address the Smart India Hackathon grand finale at 4:30 pm today