Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) on Thursday declared the results of Block Education Officer (Preliminary) recruitment Exam 2019.
UPPSC secretary Jagdish informed Hindustan Times that the result will soon be uploaded on the official website of the commission at uppsc.up.nic.in .
“A total of 4,591 candidates have been declared qualified for appearing in the mains exam. The schedule of the BEO (Mains) Recruitment Exam 2019 will be declared soon along with the process to apply for it online,” Jagdish said.
The recruitment exam was held for a total of 309 vacant posts at 1,127 centres across 18 districts in the state on August 16. Around 44.3% of 2,34,064 of the total registered 5,28,313 candidates had appeared in the exam. A large number of candidates had complained about the exam being conducted amidst Covid-19 outbreak.
The commission officials made clear that the exam results were subject to the decision of the Allahabad high court with regard to a special appeal filed by the state government regarding women reservation which was pending before the court.
The UPPSC secretary said that details of marks obtained and category-wise cut-offs will be made available by the commission on its official website post declaration of the final results of the recruitment process.”As a result, no application regarding the same would be entertained by the commission under the Right To Information (RTI) Act-2005,” Jagdish said.